Wednesday, April 20, 2011

new glasses

i found a great new company called warby parker i was shopping with some friends one afternoon and we wandered into steven alan there was a board with different frames on it. the first pair i tried on called "owen" i loved. the salesgirl explained to me that i could not buy them in the store but that they had to be ordered through this website and that with a code from steven alan i would get $5 off my purchase. i went to the website as soon as i got home and was so happy at what i discovered there. all frames with prescription lenses are $99 and they donate a pair of glasses to someone in need every time a pair of frames is bought!!!! amazing! they don't have a retail store, only a showroom located near union square. they also offer 'at home try on' which means they will send you up to 3 pair of frames to try on at home. amazing again! i already knew what i wanted so i placed my order for the "owen" and received my new pair of glasses within a week and a half. they arrived in a small box (no wasted packaging). i love my new glasses and the company who made them.

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