Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Vacation part 2: disney world!!!

    like everyone else around the world ,thanks to facebook, i've reconnected with a lot of people. not all 'blast's from the past' are good ones but there have been a couple that i'm eternally grateful for. one of them is called TODD MILTON RYE.
     todd and i were great friends in high school and lost touch over the years. i was extactic when i received his friend request. we quickly started writing and i realized right away that he was the same histerical guy i knew all those years ago, and even more thrilled when i saw him in orlando a couple of weeks ago. todd has worked for disney for many years and now manages special events for disney world  he managed to get time away from staging celebrity photo shoots to take us to epcot center where we got an insiders tour and a drink from every county there. he also gave us tickets for all of the parks to use the next day....amazing!!
     carrie and i had never been to disneyworld and didn't really know what to expect. needless to say we had a ball. i loved the safari, a bugs life and the tower of terror. we bought a photo of us on the buzz lightyear ride. it is, quite possibly, thee worst picture of me - ever. when todd saw it he said "carrie looks like a supermodel but under no circumstances should you ever show that photo of yourself to anyone!" i'm posting it anyway because it's hilarious and i love how serious i was taking it. the worst part is that not only does carrie look like a supermodel she also stomped me in points!!!

thank you so much todd for a day we'll always remember. i can't wait til you visit nyc. xoxoxoxoxo

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