Tuesday, January 18, 2011

nyc secret proposal photography

every high school aptitude test i ever took told me that my ideal career would be "private detective". so i've always had this back burner fantasy about it. i know, in my adult mind, that the job mainly consists of a lot of sitting around and waiting which my short attention span won't allow for. however, my adolescent self still sees myself as a private i heading an agency not unlike remington steele's. you can imagine how thrilled i was when i got my first request to secretly shoot a wedding proposal. i've hidden behind tree's and in stairwells, sat on park benches in sunglasses "reading the paper", invented hand signals and code words....yes, it's a dream come true!! here are some photos from a secret proposal shoot i did in central park. so fun, sooooo romantic and so far everyone has said yes:)

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