Wednesday, June 30, 2010

as many of you know, i've been shooting regularly for the whitney museum of american art for the past couple of years. this is one of my favorite jobs of all time!!! i'm often asked what i shoot for them so i've decided to start letting the pictures speak for themselves and for the whitney's fantastic education department....this blog thing might actually be good for something:) i will be digging into the archives and posting some past events but would like to start with the most recent which is from friday night. i've worked closely with the brilliant margie weinstein from the museums education department over the years...she is responsible for compelling, beautiful, challenging and just down right interesting public programming that i will be featuring in upcoming posts. this program, however, was put together by the new girl on the block...the lovely julie thomson, also of the museums education department. the program was called 'backyard birds: an evening of prose and music celebrating charles burchfield' and i have to tell blew me away. the music and the reading were perfectly matched and the music was magical.  i ran home and googled these guys right away. the program featured jonathan rosen, author of 'the life of the skies: birding at the end of nature' ,  reading exerpts from burchfields journals. the reading was interspersed with music from jonathan meiburg of 'shearwater' and andy stack of 'wye oak'  . great great great!!!! congratulations on a fabulous first run julie...i'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next:) to learn more about the whitney's public programs visit

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